Daily archives: 9 July 2023

Laryssa Kim

Laryssa Kim is an Italo-Congolese artist living in Brussels since 2013. At a young age, she made reggae in Rome with bands and sound systems, then studied theatre and dance in Amsterdam and obtained a master’s degree in acousmatic music composition in Mons. Since 2015, she has been making music under her own name that combines her influences with a soulful aspect from black music. Kim’s performances combine live electronics and looped vocals, making them hypnotic, and were picked up by none other than renowned producer Nkisi. Her first EP ‘Lov’em all’ was released in late 2019. (Source : LARYSSA KIM (LIVESTREAM) […]

Jean-Pierre Jonckheere

Compositions performed at a concert FeBEM (since early 2019): Compositions Concerts Apnée du soleil 2019.10.26-27: Autumn Waves Festival 2023.10.05-08: Autumn Waves Festival Atelier 2019.09.21: Casteau (Soignies)2019.10.26-27: Autumn Waves Festival  Chute dans la vallée des roses 2023.06.09-10-11: Reflets Sonores (Fauquez) Crac 2021.10.15: Fauquez Des fantômes dans la prairie 2021.10.01-02-03: Autumn Waves Festival Into My Head 2024.11.30-12-01 : Autumn Waves Festival L’homme qu’on oubliait vite 2023.05.27: Casteau (Soignies) La fabrique de nylon 2023.06.09-10-11: Reflets Sonores (Fauquez) La senteur de l’immortelle 2022.06.18-19: Project’Sounds (Fauquez) No strings attached 2022.04.23: Casteau (Soignies)2024.06.07-09 : Reflets Sonores (Fauquez) Nobody knows where the turtles go 2022.04.30: Ancien Carmel de […]